Husqvarna Embroidery Machine Rose 600 Owners Guide

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Husqvarna Embroidery Machine Rose 600 Owners Guide Rating: 3,8/5 631 reviews
  1. Husqvarna Viking Rose Embroidery Machine
  2. Husqvarna Embroidery Machine Software

Keeping the World Sewing. VIKING® is trademarks of Singer Sourcing Limited LLC. HUSQVARNA and the “crowned H-mark” are trademarks of Husqvarna AB.

Hello all, I just joined the group but I have been reading most of the reviews posted. You are doing a very good job and I am very excited to be a member. A quick question. I am new to embroidery, infact don't own an embroidery machine but just planning on getting one, I saw Husqvarna rose 600 for sale. Do you think this is a good machine for a beginner like me? Would I be able to download designs from the internet and use and are there any software available for such? What price do you think will be reasonble.


I have a Viking Rose and purchased it new about 6-7 years ago. It has a 4X4 size hoop and you can get a 5X7 hoop that has 3 positions to do a larger design. It needs a reader/writer box to use designs off the internet and I don't know if any dealers are still selling Viking software compatible with this machine. I bought my software off ebay. It is not the latest version since this is an older model machine, not in production any longer. If you look on the Viking website you can judge for yourself how much support you will be able to get if you have problems with your embroidery and the availability of embroidery cards. As far as sewing, you will have great results.

I love my Rose and wouldn't part with it. Wallac victor 1420 multilabel counter manual. I never felt the need to upgrade to the Designer I. I also have a Janome Memory Craft 9000 that does embroidery.

Husqvarna Viking Rose Embroidery Machine

It isn't a new machine either but I feel the same way about this one too. I love all my machines.

Hope you find one that makes you as happy as mine do when I walk into my sewing studio. Good luck on your purchase. I bought a Rose in 1998, and a Designer 1 about a year or so ago. I honestly much prefer the Rose, and if I hadn't had embroidery/software/reader-writer issues I never would have bought the D1 to begin with (and it was totally operator error ) You really can't go wrong with the Rose - it sews beautifully, it's sturdy, I just love mine. As far as the software, I have the old Customizing which I bought with the machine - Viking does not support it any more.

I also have the 3D software that I bought with the D1 - I don't use it very much, but I'm sure I've used it with my Rose. I know one of the 'Send' options for sending embroidery to the card is for the Rose. You will need the reader/writer box, and a programmable card to write to. I don't know if they still sell cards for the machine - I bought one on their clearance table at my dealers about a year ago. You may want to call your local Viking dealer to find out the latest scoop.

I can't begin to figure out a price for it. I decided to keep mine when I bought the D1 because I didn't figure I'd get much for the trade-in. If you get it, I know you'll love it - I love mine. Quote: Thank you so much for your help and suggestions, I guess I will look into buying another brand for now. I don't want to buy something that I won't be able to get support.

I just want an inexpensive embroidery machine. Thanks Hi Animat- Before you buy, please read these comments. The Rose has been replaced with the Scandinavia 400.

If you read SM reviews you will find mine and at least one other. It's a great, great machine and as I understand it, the Rose, just repackaged a little bit. What this means to me is that service should be the exact same for the Rose- the Rose line is not 'extinct', just re-named.

I think you'd be fine with the Rose, and if you've got a good price on a used one, I'd jump on it! I feel sure the current software would work, just run that?? By a dealer before buying.

Another thing: I think my Scan 400 was a floor model, and was about $1000 without software (but with a couple of embroidery cards). The 3D Embroidery combo box was another 400 to 500. So it wasnt' cheap. HOWEVER, I came around to buying it after trying out the Brother SE-270D which was only $400, and its software which was about $140. Please, please go to my 2 reviews.

I took the Brother back after about a month. Too many problems, large and small. The workmanship just wasn't there.

The software.never. worked at all for me. My conclusion was that if you want a short-term machine, the Brother is fine, but if you want to still love it in 7 years (like the other commentors on this site) just find a way to cough up the money and get the good machine. Hope any of this helps you- Happy sewing! I'm sorry - I didn't explain that properly. You will definitely get support for your Rose.

Husqvarna Embroidery Machine Software

Viking no longer supports the SOFTWARE I bought 10 years ago to use with the Rose. I just had my Rose into my dealer for her annual cleaning, and everyone that sees it says what a great machine it is. In 10 years, I have never had any type of issue that warranted fix-it service. The machine is a champ.

I would run the software question/issue past your dealer to make sure what they sell you will work with the Rose. I really don't see a problem though. And trust me, you will LOVE the machine. I love my Rose too! She makes beautiful buttonholes and purrs along all day. The stitch advisor is very helpful.

I was in my Viking dealer's the other day and after trying to get me to upgrade, the salesperson admitted that the Rose is a great machine and should give me great service for years. I found I don't do that much embroidery so Rose suits me very well. I also have a Viking 936 serger which is just as sturdy and easy to use. My only complaint about Viking is the cost of the accessories- ouch!

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