Installation Electrical Laboratory Manual

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ESE206: Electrical Circuits & Systems II Laboratory ESE206: Electrical Circuits and Systems II - Laboratory Spring 2014 General Info: Grading Policies: Guidelines: Syllabus ( ) General Information and Introduction Overview This laboratory course is designed to be the experimental companion to ESE 216 Electrical Circuits and Systems II. The course is intended to enhance the students' understanding of important analytical principles developed in EE 216 by engaging them in the real-world application of these principles in the laboratory.

Xfig - Installation and Start-up Guide, ECE 545, ECE 645,. ECE 101 Introduction to Electrical and Computer Engineering Lab Manual, ECE 101.

An equally important purpose of the course is to further develop the students' laboratory practice for experimentally testing and evaluating electrical circuits and systems. It is important that students develop this practice using modern lab equipment similar to that which is used in industry. Due to computational power of PCs; they are being increasingly used to acquire experimental data, to control laboratory instruments, to process experimental data, and to provide a highly flexible means for visualizing experimental data. For most of these functions the PC is providing real-time or near real-time support. LabView by National Instruments is one of the most popular software tools for these purposes.

It is also a useful tool for analysis, with some functions similar to MatLab. It is one of a core of staple software tools for electrical engineers, as are Maple, MatLab, Electronics Workbench and SPICE. The course syllabus is a mix of scripted laboratory experiments and mini-projects. The scripted experiments have been prepared to compliment your study in ESE 216. In addition, there is a LabView Introduction and two mini-projects; spaced evenly throughout the course.

The mini-projects are open-ended exercises that require students to develop experimental solutions to specified problems. The mini-projects are problem solving exercises that to varying degrees will involve electrical circuit/system design, construct of a prototype, and testing/evaluation of the prototype. The LabView Introduction will require the development of a laboratory application using LabView virtual instruments (VIs). Course Outcomes While taking this lab you will learn:. To apply the concepts and analytical principles developed in ESE216 to analyze electric (RLC) and electronic (diodes, transistors, op-amps) circuits.

a1,a3. Understanding of the operation of op-amps, diodes and transistors in order to build circuits. a2. Learning to conduct experiments involving electric and electronic components and to analyze and interpret the measurements results.

b. Designing, contruct and characterize electric and electronic circuits according to specification (such as filters, diode circuits and transistor amplifiers). c. Getting familiar with state of the art electronic test equipment (such as digital scope, waveform generator, FFT module, Benchlink) and hardware/software tools (LabView, PSpice) to characterize the behavior of electric and electronic devices and circuits. k. Improve your ability to communicate effectively through weekly written reports and lab notebooks g.

Code of Academic Integrity: Using or attempting to use unauthorized assistance, material, or lab results or solutions (in part or whole) is a violation of the and will result in a zero grade for the course. Tentative Syllabus. 4/30 is last day of classes.Mini-Projects are open-ended exercises that require students students to realize experimental solution to specified problems Course Location: Detkin lab, Room 101 Moore School Course Materials: a.

ESE 206 web site: b. Detkin Lab web site: c. Reference Materials: ESE 216 Texts: TBD Alternative References TBD Laboratory Related References 1. Slutsky and D. Messaros, 'Introduction to Electrical Engineering Laboratories, Prentice Hall, Upper Saddle River, 1992 2. Getty, Lab Manual for 'Analysis and Design of Linear Circuits', Prentice Hall, Upper Saddle River, 1994 3. Horowitz and Hill, 'The Art of Electronics,' Cambridge Univ.

Instructor and TA Team Dr. Santiago-Aviles Room 360 GRW Telephone: 215-898-5340 E-mail: Lab Manager: Mr.

Sid Deliwala 101 Moore, Detkin Lab Telephone: 215-898-8508 E-mail: TAs and Graders: TBD IMPORTANT: Office hours for TAs: TBD General Lab Policies and Guidelines:. Each lab session lasts three hours and starts promptly. A brief introduction may be given by the instructor at the beginning of the lab. Everybody has to finish on time, so please time yourself carefully.

Doing the pre-lab can save you a lot of time. Preparing the lab is very important, as it will save you time and allows you to work more efficiently.

The pre-lab includes reading the lab assignment in advance, and doing the pre-lab exercises specific to each lab experiment or mini-project. All pre-lab assignments have to be handed in at the start of the lab (no late submissoins will be accepted). Write your name, lab title, lab section and your name on the pre-lab assignment. Review the material prior to coming to the lab; consult the textbook(s) if required. Sketch anticipated graphical results, and get an idea of the approximate range and scale of the quantities you will be measuring.

As part of the lab preparation, you can use Electronic Workbench or SPICE to simulate the actual experiments you will be doing in the lab or drawing the schematics of the test set up. Spice is available in the PC labs or on Eniac, Electronic Workbench is available on the PCs in the Detkin lab. You can paste the result of the simulations in the notebook. Make sure you label the graphs and tables clearly.

Student partnerships: Each lab is done in groups of two. The team approach encourages interaction and helps with the debugging and data collection. Lab notebook: Each student has a lab notebook and is responsible for recording the measurement data and any observations which will be helpful for writing your lab report. One lab report needs to be handed in per group (see later on). Pre-labs: The prelabs have to be handed in at the start of each lab.


In case you need the results of the prelabs for the experiments during the lab, you may want to make a copy of the prelab or write down the results in your lab notebook. Each student has to do his/her own prelab. Collaboration: Students are working in groups of two in the laboratory. This encourages team work and makes the conduct of the experiments more efficient. You can collaborate on the pre-lab and on interpretation of the measured data. However, each student is responsible for writing the pre-lab.

Copying of data from other groups or submitting contrived or altered information is in violation of the and will result in a zero grade for the course. The lab report is a joined effort and each students should contribute equally to writing the report. Each lab notebook needs to be signed and dated by the instructor or TA before leaving the lab. The students are responsible for securing the signature. Tool-set: Tools are available on each lab station. Instruments and supplies: The major instruments you will need are permanently installed in the stations. A selection of wires, cables and connectors are contained in blue boxes and available from the instrument room (one box per station only). Bodyguard pump manual.

At the end of the lab session the contents of the box should be checked, reassembled in the box and returned to the instrument room. Reusable small parts (resisters, capacitors, transistors, ICs) will be available in the bins in the lab area. Capacitors, transistors and integrated circuits (ICs) can be reused and should be left on the table in the same manner as they were obtained (stretch the leads if necessary).

Our goal is to make this lab as paperless as possible. For that reason you will capture scope graphs with Windows Snagit tool or use Intuilink (Agilent) software and save the graph as a file in your directory. Add your name, your partner's name, date and lab number (or name) to the graphics before saving this file in your directory. You can paste the graphs later into your report. You can make one printout in the lab to paste in your lab notebook.

Leave your workplace at least as clean and tidy as you found it. Please put everything back in its proper place before you depart the Detkin Lab. Grading Policy A. Grading: Prelab: 25% Lab Book: 10% Lab Reports: 40% Final Exam:25% The pre-lab has to be handed on at the start of the lab.

Installation Electrical Laboratory Manual

Each pre-lab needs to have a cover sheet with the title of the lab, lab section, date and student's name. Students need to be prepared to answer questions related to the reading assignments, pre-lab calculations and general lab preparation.

Make sure you fully understand the concepts and if necessary review the material in the ESE216 textbook(s). You can use Spice or Multisim to verify your calculations and also to determine the effect of changing component values. However, SPice or EWB is never a substitute for calculations! The notebooks and reports are graded according to the guidelines spelled out in the section on Guidelines for the Lab.

Attention will be paid to clarity of presentation, neatness, pre-lab preparation, experimental procedure, data recording and presentation, discussion of the results. Lab Report and Notebook Turn-In Policy: The lab reports are due the following week at the beginning of your lab session. In the event a lab report is due on a day when the University is officially closed (e.g. Holiday or weather); the report will be due by 4:00 PM of the first day that classes resume after the closing. Students are permitted up to TWO one week latenesses without penalty. That is on three occasions lab reports may be turned in on the next lab session.

Installation Electrical Laboratory Manual Pdf

No other late turn-in of reports will be accepted for any reason. Reports not turned in accordance with this policy will receive zero grade.

Installation Electrical Laboratory Manual

Students are expected to manage their three allowed latenesses to allow for unforeseen situations that will result in reports to be turned in late. Lab Work Makeup Policy: All laboratory work has to be completed during the designated lab period.

Students who miss a lab session due to a documented emergency are expected to schedule a makeup time with the Detkin Lab staff to conduct the missed lab work. Reports are still due in accordance with the policy stated above. Guidelines for the Lab Notebook Each group of students is required to maintain a laboratory notebook (e.g. 'Lab Notebook' from Roaring Springs or 'Computation Book' of Esselte, or a similar bound notebook) which is used to take notes during the lab sesseion, record, data, circuit analyses, calculations, graphs, etc. It needs the be well organized, and the material clearly and neatly presented. The lab notebook should have numbered pages, quad ruled. The goal of the lab notebook is to keep complete and accurate records of your work in the lab.

Typically, the noteboek entry will include measurement set-up including names and models of the instruments, all connections between the 'DUT (Device Under Test)' and the instruments, every calculation, comparison between calculated and measured values, and screenshot of the key measurements, observations, etc. Note that pasting parts of your lab report in your notebook is not acceptable. The goal is to use the notes you took in the lab notebook to write you lab report later on. By keeping a good lab notebook, you will also learn how to document the development of projects which often can lead to inventions or patent applications. Here are instructions on keeping a good notebook. Grading (the lab books will be collected after your final exam)will be done in accordance with these instructions. Write your names, course title and number on the front page.

Include your phone number and e-mail address in case your notebook gets misplaced. Place a Table of Contents in the front of the notebook with the following format, neatly printed: (1) dates and page numbers spanning all of the entries for the experiment; (2) experiment or mini-project number and title; (3) students' names; C. Make all entries in ink. Use all pages consecutively. Leave no blank pages. Do not have any loose pages in the notebook. Each page should be numbered.


A typical entry for each lab experiment consist of the following (25 points total for notebook): 1. Title of the experiment, date and name of partner.

(start on a new page) 2. Objective of the lab experiment. Experimental procedure: (25 points) Show the measurement set-up (schematics); record the data, sketches and observations. When recording data always mention the instruments used (e.g. Digital Oscilloscope or multi-meter ). An example of a schematic of the experimental set up is shown in the figure below. Figure: Sketch of the experimental set up with indication of the Ground terminals, instruments and interconnections: (a) using a single point of contact for the ground; (b) using a ground bus on the protoboard to connect the components and instruments to ground.

Also label the recorded data including the units. It is recommended that you make some quick, but neat sketches of the data to ensure they make sense before leaving the lab. The data must always be entered manually in your notebook while doing the experiments. Observation that will help you later with writing the lab report 5. Discussions and conclusions. Make sure a complete, labeled diagram is included for all the circuits of the experiments. Record all the observation directly in your notebook while you are doing the experiments.

Keep good records which would enable you or someone else to repeat the experiment and obtain the same results. Do not erase material. If a mistake is made, cross it out neatly. You should still be able to read the incorrect data after you draw a line through it. Do not make any changes in your report after the lab has been completed. When you capture a graph from the scope, using Benchlink, you should save it as file in your directory and make an entry (rough sketch and the name of the graphs) in your lab notebook. You can then paste the captured graph later in your notebook and also in your lab report.

Make sure you have recorded the units of the vertical (in V/division) and horizontal (in s/division) axes. You should also annotate the graph with your name, date and lab number or title. Recorded data should be entered in table format.

Tables must have column headings and units. You can use these data points to generate a graph with Excel of Matlab for use in your lab report. Label graphs clearly including a title, labeled axes and units. You and the lab partner must sign and date the notebooks at the end of the lab session and before asking for the TA's signature.

For specific guidelines and clarifications here. For an example of a lab notebook entry: see Useful links. Coming soon This page and site administered and maintained by Siddharth Deliwala, deliwalaat Updated by Sid D., Jan 10, 2013.

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